Positive Psychology

Positive psychology is the science and study of human thriving and well-being. 

In contrast to traditional psychology which studies one's past experiences and the effects of those experiences on the present, positive psychology focuses on what one has and who one is in the present and how to utilize that current state to be intentional going into the future.

"I think therefore I am."

At the root of positive psychology is the idea that you are in control of how you experience life and the choices you make in this approach can have tangible benefits to your health and wellbeing.

Edited for inappropriate language

These are profound findings with a huge implication. Simply changing the way you frame each of your experiences and in your daily life can literally improve your health and reduce health risk factors. 

This change is something that is free and doesn't take up any extra time in your day!

Positive Emotions vs. Pleasure

The short answer comparison is that moments of pleasure focus our attention on a narrow, singular event and the effects of the pleasurable moment are fleeting. Where as, positive emotions are broad and can apply to a variety of situations and experiences and they have long-lasting affects. 

Furthermore, cultivating positive emotions can have the same positive benefit as experiencing them in the moment. The memory of a positive emotion can have the same physiological effects as when the memory was initially experienced. The opposite of this effect was documented by scientists who studied the effect of negative emotions on the brain. In these studies, the area of the brain highlighted  in the scans of participants who reported suffering from heartbreak is the same area of the brain that is activated when physical pain is experienced. Our brain reacts to the input it receives from our senses and emotions regardless of the cause triggering the experience or emotion.

"Dreams are the touchstones of our character."

Think about a time when you were in your "flow" state. Have you experienced a time where what you were doing made you feel joy, energized, or a sense of contentment? A moment when you were proud of what accomplished? What were you doing in that moment? 

Picture the environment, who you were with, what you were doing.

In this moment, you were likely using some of your top character strengths.